Cornelia Dolian Coaching

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Coaching for Antiracism (stop waiting to feel ready)

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” — Arthur Ashe

I’ve wanted to offer this coaching service for over 6 months, but I’d been waiting to feel ready.

The thing is, I won’t be ready (and neither will you) as long as “ready” equates to some unattainable level of knowledge and perfection. I’m not willing to let my overachieving hold me back while people are literally dying.

I hope you’ll join me in that.

The truth is, the more I read and learn, the more I realize how much there is and always will be. More books to read, more lived experiences to hear and integrate into my understanding, more information and opportunities to have an impact.

With the acknowledgement that I will never fully grasp the lived experiences of those being marginalized, forgotten, silenced, brutalized, and otherwise harmed.

Systemic racism and white supremacy are vast, deep, and old as hell. And the process of detecting, teasing apart, and replacing them with an equitable and just society for everyone is not a short-term project.

Racial justice will require lifelong learning and lifelong work from all of us. I’ll keep reading and listening (I hope you will too). But I will no longer wait to be perfect in order to offer what I already have.

Because while some of us wait, Black, Indigenous/Native, Asian American & Pacific Islander, Latinx, and more people & communities of color (I’ll use the acronym “BIPOC” going forward) continue to suffer racist violence, trauma, inequity, aggression, and immeasurable loss.

The work must be now as much as it must be ongoing. For as many white and white-identifying people as possible.

So, as I continue to deepen and broaden my own knowledge, work, understanding, and impact within my personal life and business, I recognize and offer the tools I already have to help others make and amplify their own anti-racist impacts.

Here’s what I have & can use to help you right now:

  • My skills & training as a certified coach (CPC; WPCC).

  • My supportive, inquiry-based, solution-oriented signature framework Change is in the aer™️ through which I help clients get authentic, tap into their unique self-empowerment, and build resilience so they can stay in it for the long haul.

  • My ability to meet you where you are with empathy, encouragement, kindness, accountability, and support.

What my antiracism coaching IS and ISN’T

This coaching is here to give you the support you need to take consistent action (whether that’s political, financial, volunteer, or something else); it is not a replacement for action.

It’s meant to help you confront narratives, beliefs, fears and blocks holding you back from doing the work of advancing antiracism and racial justice — from “I don’t have time” to “I don’t know enough” to “I can’t truly make a difference” to “My friends/family won’t understand” (plus everything in between and beyond).

I’ll meet you where you are, share suggestions and resources that I have and continue to gather, help you navigate, and empathetically encourage you to begin and maintain your personal antiracism work, as you make mistakes and face setbacks.

I can + do:

✅ Create a safe space for you to examine what antiracism & racial justice work mean for you, the impact you can have, and where you will begin.

✅ Support you as challenges arise, and provide accountability + a sounding board for you to problem-solve and take continued aligned action.

✅ Help you find ways to make this work sustainable within the specific context of your life and existing responsibilities, through this season and the ones that follow.

I don’t:

❌ Offer DE&I education, training, consulting or advice. (If you are interested in making your organization more diverse inclusive, I can help you find resources and BIPOC doing this work.)

❌ Act as an authority or expert on the lived experiences of BIPOC (because I’m not) or attempt to speak for or on behalf of any group of people (but I can help you to find, process, and integrate those accounts to inform your work and purpose).

My donation commitment

I’m donating 40% of the revenue from antiracism/racial justice coaching across 4 organizations that I believe in, with each organization receiving donations 3 months out of the year (specified below). This is (one) part of how I’m making my business a vehicle for change. Here are the nonprofits to which I’ll be donating, with a line or two about what each one does:

  • Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC - Advocates and educates for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. (Receives 40% of antiracism coaching revenue from January, April, May)

  • Loveland Foundation Therapy Fund - Funds therapy and partners with organizations to provide support for Black women and girls. (Receives 40% of antiracism coaching revenue from February, June, September)

  • National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center - Works to end violence against Native women and children, including supporting the families of and seeking justice for the not-yet-all-counted Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). (Receives 40% of antiracism coaching revenue from March, July, November)

  • RAICES - Provides legal and social services for immigrants and refugees. (Receives 40% of antiracism coaching revenue from August, October, December)

As an immigrant woman whose access to therapy has been crucial, I have chosen each of the above organizations with great care and heart. I hope you’ll consider supporting one or more of these organizations, even if you pass on coaching. 💞

So, you want to begin or recommit to antiracism + racial justice in your life…

But you don’t know if you’re ready.

Maybe you’re not sure where or how to start. Worried about how those around you will react. Or how you’ll add one more thing in your busy schedule.

You might be afraid of what will come up for you.

These are all valid considerations.

The good news? Coaching can help you get beyond these and many other blocks, and navigate the path forward.

The first step is booking a FREE 20-minute Clarity Call, where we’ll chat more in-depth and see if we’re a fit.

Take the step.