Cornelia Dolian Cornelia Dolian

A Memoir Coach’s Top 4 Tips on How to Take Writing Criticism

Every writer gets criticism at some point, whether from peers, readers, or actual critics once the book is published. Writers who can’t take, parse, and improve from criticism won’t write for anyone other than themselves and an audience of yes-people. I’m going in-depth on my top 4 tips for how to get and take criticism on your writing, so that it helps you grow instead of stifling you.

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Cornelia Dolian Cornelia Dolian

We need to stop being so judgmental

We all do it. And our media — social and otherwise — invites and compels us to do even more of it. We’re overstimulated and overwhelmed with opportunities to judge others every chance we get. And, because of how we’re wired, we often give in. For a few seconds, a few minutes, until it becomes so pervasive that it starts amounting to too much time out of our days, too much energy.

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Cornelia Dolian Cornelia Dolian

Want to stop stagnating after a setback? Drop some weight.

It wasn’t hard because I’d lost the thread of the work and the momentum of incremental progress. It was the series of small betrayals I felt like I committed against myself. Not just against the work, but me as the creator and conduit of the story. Me, the writer, the human trying to be in the world as something more, to fully realize and live myself.

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Cornelia Dolian Cornelia Dolian

Give your Inner Critic a Vacation

You probably have a harsh inner critic (most writers do). It's part of you, there to protect you you from what it wrongly sees as life-threatening, ego-shattering danger. So it tries to keep you from taking any risks and chastises you for making mistakes. 

But your inner critic's judgment is doing you no favors here. It's getting in your way. 

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Cornelia Dolian Cornelia Dolian

The problem with mindset and what to work on instead

Most of all, I believe in mindfulness, awareness, and intention. You have to get to know your mind before you can effectively work on it, with it, or within it. You have to observe it, notice how it functions, pick up its patterns.

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Cornelia Dolian Cornelia Dolian

How to protect your energy and productivity on social media (and stay sane while doing it)

Sometimes just being on social media, scrolling through, feels like too much. Luckily, there are more than a few ways to protect your energy, peace, and sanity while you do social media for your coaching or other transformational people-centered business. In this post, I’ll be sharing tips and suggestions based on what’s worked for my clients and for me.

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