I’ve been a writer and a helper as long as I can remember. 

Early on, I wrote to dream.

To create worlds where I wasn’t an immigrant kid simmering in anxiety, or dodging taunts and degradation from bullies. I wrote to emulate authors who helped me through my hard times with their stories, in hopes of someday helping others with my own offerings. 

I write to discover my thoughts, document and deeply savor moments, and to play. Writing has always helped me untangle, unfurl, and understand. I write to educate, explain, advise, support, and bolster. 

My constant has always been connection, whether I’m steeped in fiction or freelance writing. I write to connect with and help others. In my freelance work, that’s meant helping readers learn about the basics of entrepreneurship, how to improve their diets to meet their needs and goals, how to make lasting changes through personal growth, how to better trust and guide themselves, and more. 

OK, I know this is the “about me” section, but I’d love to know about you.

How & Why I Became a Coach

Freelance writing led me to coaching in a roundabout way. I started my schooling to become a life coach because I wanted to be a stronger writer on the topics that I’m passionate about. I wanted to better reach people, to understand what could move the needle for them when it comes to goals they want to accomplish and dreams they want to fulfill — in business, creative pursuits, their connections with others, and their connections with themselves. 

But, something happened as I immersed myself in working one-on-one with clients: A dormant part of me came alive. It was the part of me that loves being a sounding board, guide, cheerleader, change agent, and wise-cracking companion on people’s journeys. Only now, I had even more powerful tools and methods to do it, thanks to my extensive and intensive training, plus hundreds of hours of practice working with clients.

Why I Coach Writers

Writers are my people.

I get the blocks, frustrations, disappointments, self-doubt, triumphs, satisfactions, and the occasional existential crises that come with being a writer, at any stage. And I believe in writers. 

I believe in you, reading this. In your creativity, your imagination, your tenacity, your capacity, and your writing. Even when you don’t. 

And I want to walk this path with you to help you get to your next milepost on your journey. 

My Creds

📜 Masters’ in English Education - Yup, I was almost an English teacher. But, the only thing I really wanted to do was teach youths (ahem, yutes…iykyk) to write + love reading, which DID NOT fly in our standardized test-obsessed educational system.

📜 Certified Professional Coach

📜 Whole Person Certified Coach

My other joys

When I’m not coaching or writing, I read, run, hike, practice yoga asana, and listen to true crime podcasts.

I love dogs, tea, and alliteration.

💙✍🏼🫖 Cornelia

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