What is authenticity and where do you begin?

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”

― Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection

Strip away the buzz and padding, and being authentic simply means being genuine, real, true to yourself (your whole self) and acting from that place. Refusing to put on false layers of personality or go along with things that don’t resonate and feel right to you, just because that’s what others expect.

Just be you! Be yourself! Easy, right?

Not so much. Not always, anyway. And not for all of us.

If you’ve spent years trying to fit into someone else’s mold, it’s not so straightforward to suddenly “just be authentic”. Whether that pressure to conform or contort has come from society, a specific situation in your life, a single individual, or even yourself. It can be hard to shake, and leave you feeling lost when trying to connect with your authentic self.

What I love about Brené Brown’s explanation of authenticity so much is how she captures the active nature of it. It’s a daily practice of making choices and standing in them. It takes work, but it’s doable, worthwhile work.

So, what can you do? How do you get more authentic every day?

Start by searching for and finding your own answers, instead of defaulting to the answers you think you’re supposed to have and give. You can do this through reflection, journaling, meditation, long winding walks in nature, working with a coach, or anything else that puts you in touch with the parts of you you’re trying to unearth.

It may involve some trial and error. It takes space and patience. It’s a process.

The important thing is that you begin to let what feels true be your guide and your home; your frame of reference and your plan of action. Live from that place and bring that awareness to everything you take on. Do the things that nurture and sustain your authentic self. Check in with yourself often to make sure your choices still resonate, every step of the way.


Let in the AER: Week 1 Practice - 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation


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