We need to reclaim our power from Social Media

If you’re like many women entrepreneurs or small business owners, you groan a little when you think of social media.

Maybe you roll your eyes. Maybe the mention of it deflates and depletes you. Maybe you feel stuck or small.

I don’t blame you. It’s a daunting, difficult, and often disempowering place to be, let alone promote your products or services.

There’s the time suck. The unrealistic expectations. The equal parts petulant negativity and toxic positivity. The sense of broadcasting into a void. The distractions. The bottomless pit of shiny new features all the cool kids are using. The algorithm.

I hear you, I feel you, and I’m with you.

So…what if we took our power back?

What if we stop letting it do all the nasty things to us, our confidence, our peace of mind, our fortitude, and each other?

What if we showed up authentically and connected as humans, instead of constantly trying to decode and master the 1s and 0s?

We don’t have to be boxed in by limiting beliefs about what social media can and can’t be for us. We can choose to use it to our advantage and make it work for us. We can set boundaries for ourselves, for others, and for the apps themselves. And most importantly, we can define our own purpose on and with it, instead of letting it be defined for us by outside forces (influencers, “experts”, big tech).

Let’s choose to seek connection. To build relationships. To be in community. Because that’s where the meaning is. That’s the good stuff, the gold.

It’s that genuine connection that brings us closer to our customers and clients. By understanding them and sharing ourselves, we can better serve them through whatever it is we offer — be it a service, product, or something in between.

So let’s make the best use of our time and our energy on social media, by aiming for real interactions and conversations.

Let’s take our power back from the faceless algorithm, and harness for ourselves and each other.


Coaching for Antiracism (stop waiting to feel ready)


Authenticity isn’t about that…